Onlinegooner is under threat

If you are reading this now, well enjoy. It could be your last chance for a while

Onlinegooner is under threat

Right, the site was down for a while this Tuesday lunchtime. I am not going into specifics here, but I can relay that, going by emails received at Gooner Towers, the issue was almost certainly not due to a technical problem.

So all I will say at this stage is this. We are doing what we can at this time to ensure we stay online. However, we need your co-operation forum users. Legally, there is a line that you are not allowed to overstep – that is incitement of violence. It has happened in the past and I trust that – even if such stuff was not typed literally – it won’t be repeated. There are other things you cannot directly refer to, but I am not even allowed to hint at what they might be. If you are in blissful ignorance of what that is about consider yourself truly blessed. Forum regulars will understand.

However, we consider that since we were offline for 24 hours last week there has been nothing legally compromising on the forums or it would have been moderated out. I believe that, legally, we are not in breach of the terms and conditions under which we operate online. I am going to now take another look at the forum postings and use my judgment to be absolutely sure.

However, the fact that we are back online now indicates that possibly, our hosting company have taken a look at the content and concurred. At the moment it's just good to be back after only an hour or so of downtime.

Bottom line is this though. Please be careful with your wording or we run the danger of disappearing once again.

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