Diamond Geezers - Keown, Parlour and Winterburn have a new friend

Vote for a Gooner contributor in the Arsenal opus comp – and win one yourself

Diamond Geezers - Keown, Parlour and Winterburn have a new friend

Subject of photo with copy of pic signed by the three old geezers

We are fast approaching the closing date of 3 March 2008 to vote for your favourite photograph in the “Win an Arsenal Opus” competition sponsored by O2, giving each voter the opportunity to win tickets, Arsenal merchandise and even their own Opus.

As one of Arsène’s chosen eleven finalists, I received an exciting invitation from O2 to a VIP evening in the Diamond Club to meet Martin Keown, Ray Parlour, Nigel Winterburn and the other finalists. Intriguingly, we had been asked to submit a photo of ourselves to be used on the night as well as being told to bring our cameras, as there would be plenty of photo opportunities.

Daniel (otherwise known as ‘Arsenal Eyes’), Basil the school bear, my dad and I were lucky enough to be allowed to park in the stadium, and we arrived in high spirits full of anticipation. We were amused to be told by the security guard not to take any photographs! (after all, this is a photographic competition).

My dad proudly parked his car where the team coach normally resides, and we entered through the players’ entrance, past the Time Capsule and the walls covered in photographs of Highbury, DB10 day, Tony Adams and “that goal” from Mickey Thomas, and headed for the lift to the Diamond Club.

We felt like Charlie Bucket entering Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory as the doors opened onto the most expensive and lavish area of the stadium. We were greeted by the O2 Angels and immediately spotted Martin, Ray and Nigel (we are on first name terms now!) and headed over to say hello.

They recognised Daniel from his photograph as by now he was so excited his Arsenal Eyes were popping out of his head, and all three were really chuffed when he gave them signed photos of himself (well you never know, they could be worth something one day). Ray and Martin were highly amused to read the article in the latest Gooner (issue 183) rating their TV punditry, ribbing Nigel for his 5/10 score compared to their top marks ratings.

All three Legends signed the big pile of programmes I had sorted out for the night, stopping to read through Keown’s testimonial and laughing at the pictures of him in the early days of his career. Ray signed the programme from his hat-trick against Newcastle and the Chelsea final with ‘It’s Only Ray Parlour’, and Nigel signed the 1989 Anfield programme (asking if he could keep it once he realised what it was). I guess as players you just get on with playing the games rather than collecting the programmes like one of the fans.

They then took us on our stadium tour, starting in the Directors’ Box, then back past the Time Capsule and off to the home dressing room where we were told we had a surprise waiting. Daniel hoped it was Gunnersaurus, my vote was for Fabregas, and one of the other finalists asked if it was Wenger with no clothes on!

Luckily for us (and Arsène) it wasn’t the latter, but amazingly was a number 11 shirt for each finalist, hung up in the players’ changing cubicles, with our surnames printed on and a large kit bag to put it in. During the excitement these shirts were also autographed, and we joked that the kit bag was so big I could put Daniel in if he got too tired.

After preventing Daniel from jumping into the hydrotherapy pool we were taken pitchside, where we found out the reason for the requested photos of the finalists – our names and pictures surrounded the stadium on the electronic hoardings.

We sat in Arsène’s seat, ran up and down the tunnel and tried to imagine how it must feel walking out to the pitch on a match day, cheered on by 60,000 fans whilst humming the “Wonder of You”.

We headed off back to the Diamond Club, with its wooden panels, trophy cabinets full of silverware, fine wines, replica Highbury clock and bronze busts of Arsène and Dennis, for a question and answer session with the players.

Martin said he would keep it brief as it was past Daniel’s bedtime, although we were treated to a highly amusing session, clearly enjoyed by everyone in the room including the players. They reminisced about old times, Ruud Van Cheat, George Graham, David Dein, their best and worst players, and how the team has been able to grow since the departure of TH14.

We were all presented with a canvas copy of our photo entries, duly signed by the players as our parting gift, before heading home after a fantastic evening, made really special by O2, Arsenal, and Daniel’s three new friends.

It was really good to meet the other finalists and hear their stories, and we were even filmed for Arsenal TV news.

The link to vote for our “Arsenal Eyes” photograph is -

So please casts your votes before the deadline, give yourself the chance to win an Opus, and make a little boy very happy. Ed’s note – He’ll scribble all over it. Think mum and granddad might be even happier to tell the truth! ;0)

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