Which Flamini will Milan get?

Will the Flanimal repeat this season’s form in Italy. Or will it be a case of one swallow does not make a summer?

Which Flamini will Milan get?

Flamini – One great season, but where was this midfield dynamo before August 2007?

Much is made of loyalty to clubs by players. Most are just doing a well paid job and generally their loyalty is with the biggest wage packet. Anyone offered more money for doing the same job would probably do the same. On that level you cannot blame Flamini, he is getting the best possible price to ply his trade. Loyalty really only applies to us fans, the ones who pay their hard earned cash to follow our team. We can only hope that the players do the best they can for our team while they are employed by our club.

Let’s not forget Flamini was only a bit player until this season. I thought he generally had a negative impact on the team when he came off the bench. He seemed to have trouble staying on his feet and I never felt inspired if he was in the team or about to come off the bench. He always worked hard running around everywhere without doing anything. There was the occasional goal but then I remember a certain David Price used to score a few goals. Remember him? Ran around a lot without actually tackling anyone and not often touching the ball. I always thought of Flamini as a modern day David Price but with less goals.

I always believe in Arsene though and if he saw something in Flamini I was willing to keep an open mind. This season, what a revelation. Arsene really does know. Flamini played out of his skin – tackling, passing, running everywhere but this time achieving everything he could not do in previous seasons. His movement and exchange of passes with Fabregas were a joy to behold. The passing was crisp quick and generally accurate. When he was injured in the Euro semi with Liverpool it was a crucial blow to our chances that night something which could not have been said in previous seasons.

My heart actually sank when he was brought on as a sub in our Euro Final of 2006. After waiting so long for this change in form Flamini is now on his way to AC Milan. My heart now sinks for a different reason. It was only one season but if he were staying we would be hopeful he had finally matured and many more would follow.

Which Flamini will AC Milan find turns up? I do not mean this in a bad way but I hope he flops. I suppose I am a little bitter but don't feel sorry for Flamini. He will earn more than I will earn in a lifetime in under six months. This is the very reason I have given serious consideration to giving up my season ticket. But on second thoughts where else would I get that buzz when we score that last minute winner. That feeling is absolutely priceless.

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