What is it with Wenger’s distaste of wingers?

Random thoughts from one of the Gooner’s longest contributing writers after the game on Wednesday evening

What is it with Wenger’s distaste of wingers?

Van Persie – Not looking his old lethal self?

Due to bad traffic, I was delayed getting home for the start of the match against FC Twente. No drama though, as it was being recorded on the Sky Plus box. I was just sorting myself out in the car when Gallas scored and so I decided to watch the last half hour live. As I write, I am now sitting here debating whether to suffer watching the first hour of the match (as it didn’t sound too clever on the radio), or watch the reserves beat Borehamwood 4-0, as I recorded this before tonight’s game and it sounds far more entertaining fare

On tonight’s evidence, it seems as if we’re likely to spend much of the beginning of the season with our hearts in our mouths, hoping to pinch a victory from p*** poor opposition and then naturally we will rise to the occasion for the glamour games

I had a text from a pal on Tuesday, saying he had it on good authority that Alonso was going to sign (I think his source was someone fairly high up at the club). But if there was any substance to this rumour it must be dead in the water now, as otherwise, surely Benitez wouldn’t have played him tonight and cup tied him for the rest of the season in the Champs League. Myself I am not the least bit bothered because as talented a player as Alonso is, he wouldn’t exactly be coming to us with anything to prove and to my mind he’s just an older, more cynical, less exuberant version of Cesc. My instincts are that if Alonso wants a move, it’s more likely down to his missus being fed up with Merseyside and wanting to spend his wages on South Molton Street, or hang out with the other wags in Browns!

I didn’t get to see how Ramsey and Randall did this evening, but I’ve seen little of Randall’s early promise so far this season and I am yet to be convinced that Ramsey and Fabregas are the answer at the heart of our midfield. Aside from the possibility that they could get bullied by some of our more physical opponents, it’s going to be a very steep learning curve for Ramsey, if he’s not going to end up looking a little naive, against wily, top class teams, as enthusiasm can only take him so far. Although when it comes to enthusiasm, I think Coquelin could end up being the biggest crowd pleaser amongst Wenger’s recent signings, as he’s likely to be so incredibly grateful for his big opportunity that he’s bound to work his socks off (making Bertie Big Bollix Bendtner look like an indolent ingrate by comparison!)

The other annoying thing is that Almunia appears to have played relatively well in pre-season (Parlour was praising his propensity to pluck crosses out this evening). I’ve never had any issues with Manuel as a shot stopper and perhaps he’s been working during the summer on dominating his penalty area. However in some respects I wish he’d had such a dire pre-season that Arsene had no choice but to do something, as no matter how Manuel’s goalkeeping talents develop, he’s always going to be far too nice a feller and to my mind he’s never going to have the sort of presence, or stature of a Cech, Schmeichel, or even a Seaman, of the sphincter twitching sort that makes him appear six inches taller to the likes of Torres etc and who can psychologically impact on their ability to finish with their usual composure.

Meanwhile I wonder what happened to the two or three signings Wenger made reference to after the Barnet game, with what was for him, tantamount to a definitive assurance. When you see the sort of sums that the likes of Spurs and the other lesser lights have been spending over the past couple of seasons, I don’t know how the club can continue to try and con us that the stadium costs are not impacting on Arsene’s transfer kitty.

Surely he’s going to grow tired of having to keep working the oracle every season!

I was telling my fellow inmates to go for Van Persie in their various dream teams, convinced that the Dutchman is due a big season. But watching him in the games I’ve seen to date, I’m beginning to wonder if he’s going to end up making me feel foolish for having staked my rep on him.

Wilshere looks brilliant. I think he looks the spit of Joe Cole on the ball, with the same low centre of gravity and with his propensity to use his ability to try and go around players (rather than sadly any great pace). I recall that Brady was raving about him at the tail end of last season and although I’ve always subscribed to the “if they’re good enough, they are old enough” theory and have often been frustrated by Arsene’s apparent timidity when it comes to throwing youngsters to the lions, I can’t help but wonder if in this instance the opposite might prove true. With there being so little activity at the club over the summer compared to the big-spending elsewhere, I’m concerned Arsene’s need to placate the masses might force his hand a little, by bringing on Wilshere a little sooner than he might have otherwise wanted?

Still it’s far preferable to holding them back until they are forced to look elsewhere for first team football and the softly, softly approach certainly hasn’t served the likes of Hoyte etc but being a perennial worrier, I can’t help but be concerned about us investing so much expectation into the “great white hope” that the disappointment would be immeasurable if Wilshere struggles to impress on the big boys’ stage straight away

The other frustration for me will be that once again our squad will be lining up, seemingly without a single player whose natural tendency is to head for the by-line and I’m set for another season tearing my hair out watching us constantly reach halfway into the opposition half and cut-in towards the heart of the massed ranks of the opposition’s defence, groaning every time we fail to intricately pass our way through them, when for once (and especially with a couple of players in the middle capable of getting their head on the ball), I would love us to at least have the option of being able to avail ourselves of the “if you can’t go through ‘em, go round ‘em” theory.

What is this apparent aversion Arsene has to natural wingers!

Bernard’s blog – A Gooner’s Diary, will be updated on a weekly basis once the season gets going in earnest. It can be found here, so bookmark it and be sure to pop back next week for his thoughts after the West Brom match.

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