Out of Place at Ashburton Grove?

Strangely enough, it seemed highly appropriate when the class of ‘98 showed their stuff in the second half of the Dennis Bergkamp testimonial.

Out of Place at Ashburton Grove?

Back four from ‘98: Well at least three of them made it along for Dennis!

Back in May I went to Anfield to watch the replay of the 1986 FA Cup final. I must admit it was an absolute pleasure watching the great players from Liverpool and Everton of the mid-eighties going through the somewhat slower motions. As I left Anfield it hit me that I will never be able to see the Arsenal legends play at Highbury in their natural habitat ever again. Surely if the occasion arises for Arsenal legends to play at Ashburton Grove it would just seem completely bizarre? Dalglish and Hansen at Anfield fine, but Bould and Wrighty at the Grove? They would be totally out of the environment we are accustomed to seeing them play in. Well, after Dennis Bergkamp’s testimonial that thought of the legends being out of place at The New Home of Football was totally dispelled.

When it was announced that Dennis’ testimonial was to be the first game played at our new home I was a bit apprehensive as I thought it would have been more fitting to show our respect to the perfect no.10, at the ground he has graced for eleven years. Knowing that a lot of past legends would want to play in the game I had this strange fear that it just would not be right seeing Dixon, Winterburn, Keown, et al play at the glorious new ground. It is a strange fear to hold, but I really had nothing to worry about. Not only did the legends not look out of place, it was just like being at Highbury, but with bigger seats.

Watching Winterburn and Dixon marauding down the wings in front of the East and West stands respectively, really gave a homely familiar feel to the occasion. The ground is magnificent and the pitch is much closer to the stands than I thought it would be. Watching AWA 1.0 (Arsene Wenger Arsenal version one) play together again was unbelievable. It amazes me that great teams will always be great whatever age they are. When Vieira came on in the second half everything just seemed to fit into place. Like at Anfield when Dalglish came on in the second half that aged Liverpool team just cranked into action. Dalglish must have been an awesome player in his prime. Also, when McMahon came off the pitch right in front of me how I restrained myself from standing up and singing “One Minute!” one last time I’ll never know.

Congratulation’s has to go to Arsenal for making this game happen in the new stadium. It just made that valuable historical link from Highbury to Ashburton Grove go seamlessly well. Familiar old faces in a new environment always help you settle in quickly. I’m sure if the David Rocastle Trust wanted to arrange a charity match with the Arsenal ’89 championship winning team playing against the Liverpool or Spurs team of ’89, I am certain none of the old players would look out of place strutting their stuff in our new home.

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