To sell or not to sell?

Are the board getting itchy feet as April 2009 approaches?

To sell or not to sell?

Dein – Usmanov’s failed Trojan horse

Dein has dropped out of the Jabba the Uzbek ‘Fat & Orange Group’ either because, as I suspect, he’s been kicked off the team or because he genuinely believes he might be a hindrance to their unworthy cause. Jabba is no longer bound by any non-aggression agreements with the world’s greatest football club so a hostile take-over bid any time now from this quarter wouldn’t be a major surprise to anyone.

Meanwhile our beloved Chairman Peter Hill-Wood, who often specialises in putting his foot in his mouth, has seemingly indicated that flogging the family jewels is a possibility if the price is right. “The directors don’t want to sell but we are a public company. It depends on the price” is what he is quoted as saying. And with the pound worth peanuts there seem to be plenty of oil rich foreigners looking for a huge tasty slice of the Premiership pie.

So in light of Hill-Wood’s quote are the board perhaps looking to flog us off to a lesser evil? Could it be that one or more parties locked into the lockdown are getting itchy feet or more probably itchy pockets? Does this in turn mean the board’s lockdown agreement is worth about as much in honourable intentions as a want-away player’s contract? And if the board consider cashing in on the golden goose will their judgment of suitable suitors be any better than Dein’s was?

What worries me most is that if we should get new owners, however rich they might be and however much they might be prepared to inject into our Club in the short term, Arsenal would ultimately become just another commodity to be flogged off to some other consortium. Our beloved Arsenal could revert at any time to being just another piece on investment to suck money from. I admire our current board for fending off foreign ownership to date, but will they wilt under such massive financial pressure?

Clearly my abject failure to win £96 million on the Euro lottery and use it to chat up Lady Nina for her shares could ultimately cost the Club dear in the ownership stakes.

(Ed’s note – The supporters group that is most active on the ownership of Arsenal issue is the Arsenal Supporters’ Trust. To find out more about the movement including how to join, click here.)

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