Make the most of Wenger’s Arsenal!

It won’t always be this way, so take pride in the present

Make the most of Wenger’s Arsenal!

Arsene: We’ve never had it so good

I felt compelled to write a quick note following reading an account of Arsene Wenger’s speech at last week’s Arsenal AGM. Weird how stuff can make you feel suddenly super proud of a team but I have to say this did it for me.

I’ve supported Arsenal for over 30 years and of course I’ve always been proud of the team and our achievements. But I have say that right now, almost out of nowhere, I have this sudden strange feeling of overwhelming pride about the club, which I think could be a direct result of the experiences of the last few years – specifically since the 2003/04 season (you know…that one where we went completely unbeaten all season and lifted the trophy at Spurs!) galvanized by some of the points I read regarding the AGM.

All in all since that incredible season it’s been quite tough to be a fan having set such a massively high benchmark and in turn expectation levels. To witness what has been essentially a ‘wholesale’ dismantling of the wonderful team that managed a Premiership first has been really hard on all of us. I think though that for me it might well be the disappointment of the last few years, coupled by the disgusting and disgraceful way the likes of Chelsea have decided to conduct their business that’s driving this current state of unexpected euphoric pride!

But why now and why all of a sudden? Well here’s my theory!

I have decided that Arsene Wenger just might be the most prolific genius in the history of club football (Stop the press!).

I just loved… LOVED what he said at the AGM and I’m so proud of Arsenal and Arsene Wenger for the way they continue to:

* Handle our financial affairs
* Resist big name ‘trophy’ signings
* Resist the lure of foreign ownership
* Develop the youth policy
* Bring in players none of us have heard of who turn out to be brilliant
* Consistently play the most incredible and technically dazzling football I have ever seen (admittedly it would be nice if we won stuff as well but hey, don’t derail this just yet)
* Provide world class facilities to watch the team play at home (well OK getting in and out is sh*t but that’s largely due to the fact that the Underground system is crap… isn’t it!)
* Remain true to what I now see as a developing principal at Arsenal: That football clubs should grow and succeed on merit (take note Chelsea & Citeh). Built on excellence in management, strategy, support and youth development.

Also, I listened to Dennis Bergkamp being interviewed by the BBC this week and his comment about Arsene Wenger not feeling pressure, understanding his teams strengths and knowing what had to be done to build a world class team that’s capable of winning things because he’s already done it, was for me just about the highest accolade a manager could receive. An outstanding endorsement from one footballing genius to another.

I’ve listened to all the Arsene Wenger critics over the last few years and on occasions, during some of those dark times I’ve lent more than a sympathetic ear. BUT… let’s be honest for a moment. If you look at the way Arsenal is structured and consider our fanbase (pre-Wenger) as well as the profile of Arsenal as a global brand then you have to conclude almost without any doubt that the single difference between Arsenal Football Club and the likes of Spurs, Leeds and Newcastle (for example) over the last ten years is… one ARSENE WENGER!!!

I could go on with this and part of me wants to but in closing I’d like to say this to all true Arsenal fans. Firstly we the fans are important to the way the team plays. If the crowd shows up feeling privileged, optimistic and confident (yes even if we get beaten) then this will undoubtedly have a positive affect on the way the team plays. Second – and remember this - it’s likely that Arsene Wenger will step down as Arsenal manager within ten years. My kids and certainly my grandchildren won’t ever really know what it was like to watch Arsenal play under Wenger (note absolute assumption that all my children and grandchildren will grow up Gooners). That sense of absolute elite (and let’s be honest more than a little bit smug) pride watching the likes of Henry, Vieira, Pires, Clichy, Fabregas, Walcott, Vela, Freddie and so on and knowing… just knowing how bloody envious the rest of the league are and how they wish their manager could identify such incredible talent from seemingly nowhere!

Time will elevate Wenger to near God like status. The stories of his style of football will become more and more embellished as the years go by, “Yeah we used to call it ‘Wengerball’ you know… you should have seen some of the players Wenger brought in son... To be honest we were playing football at a whole ‘nother level to anything ever seen and ever played since”.

You might find yourself in a pub 10, 15 even 20 years from now. And as you gently approach your dotage you may be witness to one of these nostalgic reviews of the ‘Wenger Years’ and you… yes YOU will be one of the privileged few that will be able to sit back with a warm smile full of pride and think to yourself.

I was there… I saw it!

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