Arsenal’s lack of steel causes me sleepless nights

Would you fancy this bunch in a relegation battle?

Arsenal’s lack of steel causes me sleepless nights

RVP – Scrapping of the sort not required

Well, that could have been worse I suppose. Scorewise I mean. A 2-1 defeat. Let’s be honest, who amongst us thought we would get anything at Stoke? Especially after the debacle of Wednesday night.

But we have certainly paid a high cost in terms of injuries to Sagna, Adebayor and Walcott. At the time of writing this, the result of the scans they have taken are unknown though I fear the worst.

The less said about RVP getting sent off the better. Thanks Robin that really helped us.

Anyway back to the reason for writing this. I have been thinking about two things in the last couple of days. One is the future of our manager and secondly and possible cause for sleepless nights - the lack of steel and leadership in our squad.

Firstly our manager. He has always shown incredible loyalty to his young group of players and has steadfastly refused to strengthen the squad with experienced men, despite the demands of Arsenal fans telling him to do so. I don’t think Gooners have expected him to break the bank for players in regard of huge transfer fees for players - a la Chelsea, Man Utd etc - but sometimes you do have to pay out healthy sums for experience. Watching Arsene on the touchline over the last year or so it is quite clear he is becoming more exasperated with his young charges with every passing match.

It now seems clear that our manager has two options open to him. Blow the cobwebs off the chequebook and admit he was wrong about this squad or maybe just maybe start realising that he might have taken this group of players as far as he can take them? By the time his present contract has finished he will be over 60, and he has always said he won’t do this job into his old age. No way do I want him to leave but we don’t know his plans for the future do we?

He is a very honourable man and will see out his contract but what if he decides he’s had enough? Are the board looking around? Who would Arsenal fans like to see take over? A British manager? Tony Adams or maybe Gareth Southgate? Opinions would be interesting.

Now secondly, a worrying thought. Let’s just imagine for a moment that our form collapses and we lose a few games in a row and start dropping down the league? Remember with three points for a win it’s not totally beyond the realms of possibility. We are sitting in 16th place in the league. Who in that squad at present would you trust to grab everyone by the short hairs and tell them to pull themselves together ‘cause we are in the mother of a relegation fight? Gallas? Adebayor? Denilson? Doesn’t look good does it?

Sorry Gooners I didn’t want to be the prophet of doom here but you have to open your eyes to the fact while everything is hunky dory when we are playing well and top of the league, who in our present squad relishes the thought of a sleeves up battle?

Man Utd come calling next weekend, and no doubt they fancy their chances. Yet I know this is our where our beloved Arsenal rise to the challenge and play the beautiful football we know they can play.

The scenario I mentioned regarding a relegation battle would hopefully remain just a bad dream, but it does give cause for concern about a lack of leadership and steel in our squad.

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