Is Wenger’s management style the elephant in the room?

Will someone at the club please tell M. Wenger?

Is Wenger’s management style the elephant in the room?

An example of the form…

Has the way Arsene Wenger is ‘managing’ Arsenal become the elephant in the room ? We all know he is totally off track and the squad he has overall control over is patently (as Ian Wright would say) wrong, wrong, wrong, but nobody within the club has the nerve/bottle/authority to have a quiet word in the manager’s shell like.

If for arguments sake Old Red Nose turned up as our new manager on the opening day of the next transfer window the first thing he would address is the squad. He would bring in a proper big f**k off centre half (we have Toure, Gallas, Djourou, Song and Silvestre who are all secondary CB’s) who is a leader and can head the poxy ball from corners and throw-ins, a dominant ball winning defensive midfielder (Flamini anybody?) who will protect the back four and a proper keeper who doesn’t behave like a startled rabbit caught in a cars headlights as soon as the going gets tough.

I believe this is called the SPINE of the team and every great team has had one.

I cannot for one second see Taggart (if this did happen) saying, ‘Yeah, I’ll stick with the squad as it is because they have a lot of potential and they will become world beaters one day.’

For all the truly great things our manager has done in his tenure, adopting an ostrich head in the sand approach to the current problems is total madness. Nobody would argue that we have some fantastic potential in the club but let that potential be sent out on loan or seen in cameo performances from the bench. Bring in some experienced 28-32 year olds.

At what stage and how do we voice our displeasure? Because it feels like the manager has got his fingers jammed into his ears and is singing “La la la la - I can’t hear you”.

Perhaps new coaching staff who are not ‘yes’ men and who will say it how it is are the answer, but Wenger - through his stubbornness - is running the risk of losing the crowd and undoing the great things he has done in the past.

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