Lovely triangles at home on our award-winning carpet

But a different story when the going gets tough away

Lovely triangles at home on our award-winning carpet

Lewis Hamilton – Arsenal players could learn a thing or two

Ed’s note – You know things are bad when those that have staunchly defended Arsene Wenger start having doubts. Here’s some thoughts extracted from an email from Ian Tanner, which he’s agreed for me to post.

My glass was half empty during the Stoke debacle; I was at the afternoon session of the Poole Beer Festival, you see, so was spared watching or even listening to the dross our arrogant etc. young things served up. I laughed when I saw Stoke’s first goal on MOTD. Arguably Kolo was fouled by Fuller but it was pathetic defending in the extreme. Analysed by an incredulous Lee Dixon, the ball travelled 45 yards but the hapless Manuel - the one Ross and Brand have inexplicably ignored - was rooted to his line. But I would have saved my guffaws for Almunia’s pogo-stick jump for the double-chested second had I been primed. Comical in the extreme for neutrals, Arsenal haters and the many I-told-you so’s.

Arsene’s email to supporters stated that Stoke “fought for every ball ...” Did anyone expect anything else; it’s what teams do against us every week? On MOTD, they featured Hull fans traveling to OT for their latest commendable attempts to give all they have. One Tigers fan alluded to Arsenal’s predilection to not give everything - his explanation for not being surprised at Hull’s most famous victory to date. The entire nation knows and, what is worse, this charge is never made against any other team. The malaise pervades the entire club; the reserves being equally guilty according to Neil Banfield when playing Aston Villa recently. And Villa had a 100% record.

We all fear for Saturday but first it’s Fenerbahce. On Saturday I was determined to miss the game and, pointedly, not to give my seat to anyone. I hate waste but I wanted my seated to remain empty as a statement. I’ve come round a bit and will probably cave in (i.e. attend) but the game is meaningless. Fenerbahce are as notoriously poor away from home as they are good in Istanbul. Even with our ravaged strike force we should win in the comfort of our own home. The newly-retired Graeme Hick gained a reputation - not entirely undeserved - as a flat track bully; a batsman who could pummel county bowlers at will. Yet come the big test matches, where he would be under pressure even before sniffing leather passing him at 90 mph, it was an entirely different story. Ditto Arsenal. Lovely triangles at home on our award-winning carpet yet, when the crowd is hostile, the pitch resembles an allotment and the weather is foul, the story is somewhat different.

But how does this analysis explain the destruction of Fenerbahce on their home soil? It just does not make sense and that’s what is so frustrating, the Jekyll and Hyde syndrome, as it’s been referred to.

As to arrogance, I’d say this. It’s never an attractive personality trait but, being generous, it is perhaps excusable in the highly successful. That said, our newly-crowned F1 World Champion does not even show a trace. If anyone has reason to be arrogant, it’s Lewis Hamilton. But no member of our present squad has any cause to be the least bit arrogant because ... they’ve won F*CK ALL; a state of affairs that is likely to prevail given the attitude.

Rob Styles reminds me of the referees on the appalling embarrassing wrestling that ITV showed on World Of Sport in the bad old days of Dickie Davies. Robin’s red was ridiculous but one Arsenal will not waste their time contesting. The foul from behind on Adebayor - finding his and Arsenal’s collective Achilles’ heel - when the ball was already out of play was far, far worse. The assault on Theo when in full flow - again from behind - also shows that anti-football can attain at least a modicum of success in England. Only Chelsea and ManU will contest the Premier League this year. The rest - Liverpool included - are mere also-rans.

Finally, to Arry’s Game. The media have surpassed themselves, spouting more drivel than normal. As Arsene rightly said, at 4-2 there was no Redknapp affect but five minutes later, at 4-4, there was. Ditto Liverpool on Saturday. As with ourselves, the Scousers totally outplayed them, hitting the woodwork thrice and squandering other chances to add to their early lead. I can understand the Totts’ feelings of relief to get seven points last week but can they really be so stupid yet again and ignore the fact their beloved team were completely outplayed by two of the big four that they aspire to join? Remembering back to their over-reaction to the 5-1 drubbing (and subsequent defeat of Chelsea) last season, the answers is an emphatic yes. They simply never learn.

And to end, from a subsequent email sent by Ian

I think you attended the AST Xmas drinks in 2006 when Ken Friar spoke. He said Arsene felt this squad was his best ever but he did not yet know how much they “wanted it”. That memory seems pertinent right now.

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