Unhappy with the atmosphere at Arsenal games? Read this!

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Unhappy with the atmosphere at Arsenal games? Read this!

Arsenal fans – Your suggestions to improve atmosphere wanted

From the latest REDaction email update entitled 'Mexican Waves - Are they the answer?', which they've asked us at onlinegooner to bring to a wider audience

Anyone who was at the Emirates Cup or the Carling Cup match against Wigan will have noted the waves that rolled around the ground on both occasions, and the smiles they brought to many faces.

Now I am a bit of an old fogey from the Clock End who thinks that the 'Mexican wave' has its place but that place is not at an Arsenal game. However if people enjoy it, and they certainly seemed to be the other night, and it adds to the atmosphere then who am I to criticise?

Whether it be giant flags, scarves, Mexican waves, drums, loud-hailers or whatever there are many ideas out there for improving the atmosphere at the Grove.

We at REDaction have been at the forefront of promoting various ideas over the last few seasons, some have worked, some have not, and some have yet to come to fruition.

Our postbag over the last month or so has been full of people bemoaning the lack of backing for the boys.

REDaction have also received some criticism for losing sight of our original intention of improving the atmosphere at matches.

As we have always said we are an open forum and we want as many ideas as possible from every part of our support. We don't and never have claimed to have all the ideas.

To that end we have organised a meeting prior to the Dynamo Kiev game between 5pm and 6.30pm at a venue within five minutes of the ground. The idea is to get as many ideas together as we can that we can take to the club if needed, or if they are workable without the clubs assistance to start working with through our own members etc.

The meeting will be more of a brainstorming session than an 'official' meeting and you don't have to have any connection with REDaction to get involved. All we ask is that you turn up at some stage during the meeting and make your voice or voices heard.

The offer is there, come on lets show some unity, if you want to come along please e-mail us at: [email protected] and we will be in touch with the venue details etc.


The small print…

REDaction is an open forum of Arsenal supporters, whose aim is to improve the atmosphere at Arsenal matches, and to help support our team as best we can. We can be found in The Rocket, 166-220 Holloway Road, before and after weekend home games, where we also have a range of attractions (including cheap beer!) for all Arsenal fans.

We rely on ideas and input from all Arsenal fans, and all comments and suggestions are always welcome.

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