Gooner Article Index

Henry on his tod up front is a non-starter

October 31, 2006 Our captain simply isn’t as effective without a strike partner in the opinion of one writer

Match of the Day scores own goal with Arsenal analysis

October 30, 2006 In praising Everton’s approach at Ashburton, the BBC’s flagship footie programme is guilty of contradiction

Two more would-be Arsenal anthems

October 28, 2006 In response to Is Tom Jones’ anthem right for Arsenal? , a couple of alternative suggestions. One would seem easier to remember!

Sing Up For The Arsenal!

October 27, 2006 Could it be time for a return of the Mexican wave ventures one regular in fear of a return to the Highbury Library days.

Arsenal to cover Ashburton concrete

October 26, 2006 The currently bare concrete rings are to get the much requested ‘Arsenalisation’, starting against Everton

King Kolo

October 25, 2006 Hats off to an Arsenal legend in the making

Is Tom Jones’ anthem right for Arsenal?

October 25, 2006 Stoke have ‘Delilah’, but how appropriate is ‘The Green Green Grass of Home’ for the Gunners?

Psssst… Wanna buy a seat from Highbury Stadium?

October 25, 2006 No names, no pack drill. Just a phone number and the chance to get one of those ‘life threatening’ seats

Wenger finds perfect formation for his third great Arsenal team

October 24, 2006 Online Ed: 4-1-4-1 is the future for a Gunners’ line-up that will never outmuscle the Boltons of this world

How onlinegooner works

October 22, 2006 Online Ed: By way of explanation

The truth about Arsenal and Holloway Road underground station

October 21, 2006 Just to clear up the matter. The post-match situation is not the fault of either the police or Arsenal

Arsenal clear of bung enquiry

October 20, 2006 Some figures and impressions from yesterday’s Arsenal AGM

Behind enemy lines: Gooner at Stamford Bridge

October 20, 2006 ‘I’m not waving that flag…’ – a first hand account of the Chelsea – Barca match from an Arsenal fan dragged along last Wednesday

Let’s have the Clock End clock inside the stadium!

October 19, 2006 You want to see the old clock inside rather than out. There’s an online petitioin been set up for you to add your support.

Leaving Ashburton early…

October 18, 2006 The debate rumbles on…

I feel I am surrounded by prawn sandwiches

October 18, 2006 Something’s missing for one season ticket holder at Ashburton Grove… make that several things

Time for RedAction to get out of the pub?

October 17, 2006 The way to get new songs going is to preview them in the lower concourse ahead of kick off, believes one member of the RedAction forum

Arsenal Steward explains what’s going on at Ashburton

October 17, 2006 Just like the police force, it’s the wet behind the ears new boys who are causing all the ill will

We can('t) see (for) you sneaking out

October 16, 2006 Ye olde early leavers debate rolls on. And in the ‘stay til the end’ corner, the next contender is…

Those over-priced pies are funding Thierry Henry

October 16, 2006 Why fans should buy the expensive food and drink inside Ashburton

Arsenal stewards worse than traffic wardens!

October 16, 2006 Fans are getting ejected for next to nothing. Does the club want a return to the Library reputation?

The New Arsenal Museum

October 13, 2006 Thoughts from a preview evening ahead of the new Arsenal Museum’s opening, which had the unexpected bonus of a stadium tour

It’s that word again…

October 13, 2006 It’s not on at Arsenal to use the ‘Y’ word in reference to the neighbours in N17. Time for Spurs’ own fans to drop it too.

Arsenal fan ban could see thousands turned away

October 11, 2006 If the Club continue to ban Alan Esparza from matches on the basis of his selling a spare ticket at face value, it could have implications for the majority of Arsenal regulars

Arsenal need reminders of past to make everyone feel like home

October 10, 2006 Highbury may be history, but the memories can and should inspire fans and players alike.

Girl alone Islington backstreets danger after Arsenal evening games

October 10, 2006 Talk about heavy-handed. Couldn’t the police just let one woman on her own through the Hornsey Road cordon to get on a tube at Holloway Road?

Ashburton: The start of a golden age?

October 06, 2006 Time may teach us that initial gripes about our new home will be unjustified

To all Arsenal’s early leavers

October 06, 2006 Does Gunners history hold any lessons for those that feel the need to beat the rush?

Arsenal fans should wake up to reality

October 05, 2006 It’s all a matter of choice for the paying fans, but filling some of those empty seats might be easier on the eye.

In defence of Ashburton

October 05, 2006 One writer would prefer us to concentrate on other issues, but as long as you are expressing your views, we’re here to air them

New Highbury Library Selection Online

October 05, 2006 A selection of hand-picked online Arsenal articles from other sites awaits you

Do all true supporters a favour and don’t bother coming to Arsenal

October 04, 2006 Late arrivers, early leavers. The debate goes on…

Arsenal moaners should stop moaning about moaners!

October 04, 2006 It’s by criticising things which people are unhappy with that change for the better is effected. Case in point – Ashburton?

Arsenal could do the Double again!

October 03, 2006 A run of matches undefeated has suddenly made a season of supposed transition into one that just might be a bit special

One season on and Jol’s still a liar!

October 03, 2006 Believe it or not, the integrity of the Spurs boss is being questioned by some in the light of his recent statements.

Ashburton Grove: Appreciate it!

October 03, 2006 More pro-new stadium reaction in response to Andrew P’s F*** Arsenal, I’m Off! posting

Time moaning Gooners took a reality check

October 03, 2006 Too many so-called fans are using to unjustifiably complain about our marvellous new stadium, claims one writer.

We don’t want fans like you at Arsenal

October 02, 2006 Some responses to the F*** Arsenal, I'm off! exclusive posted earlier today

F*** Arsenal, I'm off!

October 02, 2006 Disenchantment with Ashburton’s east lower from a fan who believes in backing the boys with a passion.

My Nightmare Journey From Arsenal

September 30, 2006 Another stayer leaps to the defence of the early leavers

Arsenal’s early leavers speak out

September 29, 2006 In response to Jeff Mack’s article posted on 28th September (The Ashburton Grove Stadium Mystery), an explanation from three who leave early and two who sympathise for their plight.

The Ashburton Grove Stadium Mystery

September 28, 2006 Why are there so many empty seats at Arsenal home matches before the game’s even finished? Are fans being abducted up by alien spacecraft?

Get your banners out for the lads!

September 28, 2006 The club have given fans a marvelous opportunity to decorate our new home on matchdays. Why aren’t we taking advantage?

Own an Arsenal share for less than the price of a match ticket!

September 27, 2006 Who needs £5k? The Arsenal Supporters Trust believe that they can prevent a Manchester United scenario occurring at Ashburton Grove. Read why and join the cause.

Champions League tickets – the final word

September 26, 2006 You think you’re in, but you’re not. There are tens of thousands of stories related to Paris on May 17th. Here’s one…

Stop moaning about Ashburton Grove!

September 25, 2006 The new stadium has come in for a lot of criticism from some fans. However, just sit back, enjoy the football and stop all the whinging recommends one correspondent.

Arsenal stewards under orders to eject Gunners’ faithful

September 25, 2006 The stewards themselves don’t like it, but they have been instructed from above to point out individuals who are standing so the police can eject them.

Arsenal accused of lack of morals!

September 22, 2006 Online booking problems, queues for food and drink, blatant lies? The Gunners and their new stadium are put in the dock by one unhappy red member

Another day, another Arsenal Box Office fiasco

September 21, 2006 The box office put Charlton away on sale without using the away credits system. And a lot of traveling regulars will not be at the Valley as a result

How Chavski will beat a spending cap

September 21, 2006 Online Ed: If the authorities think they can get stop Roman Abramovich, they are living in cloud cuckoo land