Gooner Article Index

Does anyone at Arsenal give a damn about the FA Cup?

February 23, 2007 Saturday lunchtime v Blackburn: Waste of time, waste of money

Sunday’s Cup Final line up?

February 22, 2007 Using the programme and the powers of deduction, here’s the eleven we might expect to see and the chances that they could pull it off

Only one Brazilian Beast in Eindhoven

February 21, 2007 Online Ed: Lehmann’s successor has been found. Sign him up.

Arsenal in all white next season?

February 20, 2007 Is Nike’s next new away kit going to have Arsenal looking like Leeds United?

Mystery woman disrupts Arsenal training

February 19, 2007 An explanation for the disappointing display on Saturday lunchtime

Crikey Nike. Bad customer service at Arsenal?

February 16, 2007 Low quality, high cost gear. Out of stock items. Sound familiar?

Warning: Arsenal are dangerous for your mental health

February 15, 2007 Online Ed: The Reebok, cow’s arses, banjos

Why Gooners can only enjoy the Carling Cup Final

February 14, 2007 Looking forward to “A Nice Day Out” in Cardiff.

Bum seats at Arsenal

February 13, 2007 Online Ed: Sat in the family enclosure for the Wigan match. How kids will learn anything about the game from here is beyond me

The only Gooner in the village

February 12, 2007 A salient reminder about the reasons we should continue to remind Spurs fans who are north London’s top dogs

Don’t let Spurs off the hook

February 09, 2007 They enjoyed handing it out in our bleaker days, so it’s payback time for Tottenham fans, regardless of the gulf between the two clubs.

Silk undies or Fat Sam next Wednesday?

February 09, 2007 Decisions, decisions… Competition time

A lesson for Arsenal from the decline of Roman’s Empire?

February 08, 2007 Online Ed: That Chelsea are struggling to sell out means the Gunners should proceed with caution over ticket price rises.

The Great ‘Swiss Tony’ Debate

February 07, 2007 Bit quiet today, so I’m leaning on our forum regulars to provide something for your daily read. Here’s a Philippe Senderos thread that was started after the Boro away match last weekend.

When Spurs fans were giving it large…

February 06, 2007 Taken from the onlinegooner forum, this post (from Thursday Feb 1) recalls how a now mysteriously very quiet number of Tottenham fans were telling us how Arsenal were nothing without Thierry Henry.

Arsenal fixture rescheduling in simpler terms

February 05, 2007 For those who cannot get their head around this, here it is in hopefully more straightforward languag

Arsenal fans disillusioned after Spurs win!

February 05, 2007 Not enough songs for the players, and even those that try and get the atmosphere going are getting ejected. Football sure ain’t what it used to be.

Cup Final Tickets Scramble – Here We Go Again!

February 02, 2007 Two disaffected Arsenal fans – one a travel club member, the other a season ticket holder that doesn’t go away – bemoan the way Arsenal decide who gets first dibs come Cup Final time

The best two teams in North London? Arsenal and Arsenal Reserves

February 01, 2007 Online Ed: Wenger vindicated in his decision not to splash the cash on the transfer window deadline day.

The Arsenal: A study in schizophrenia

January 31, 2007 Online Blog: Wenger’s wonders may be easy on the eye, but are they betraying an Arsenal tradition?

Arsenal Club Level critics - back off!

January 30, 2007 One club level season ticket holder want to make it clear that there are genuine Arsenal fans in the middle tier

Arsenal v Spurs will not sell out

January 29, 2007 Online Ed: Several factors will combine to ensure that Wednesday’s Carling Cup semi second leg will be the first match that has not officially sold out at the new stadium

Now is the time for Wenger's ‘golden generation’ to deliver

January 25, 2007 OnlineGooner Blog: This Golden Generation term is actually a myth, and should be well avoided.

Thierry sends a message to the early leavers

January 24, 2007 Despite the closeness of the game, there were those that decided to miss the conclusion of Sunday’s win

Can second string Arsenal make final leap?

January 23, 2007 With a similar line-up to that which beat Liverpool 6-3, Arsene is not planning a trip to Cardiff in February 25th

Carling Cup semi ticket row – the real story

January 22, 2007 Lots of stories floating around about the whys and wherefores of the ticket allocations and pricing, and who did what first. Maybe the following will enlighten…

Admission prices make football the new prawnography

January 19, 2007 Well the cost of watching Arsenal has definitely reached the level of obscenity in club level. Here’s a book about where it’s all gone wrong.

I Believe Gunners Can Still Catch United

January 18, 2007 A View from Afar: Ruing the season? I'm not.

Arsenal will not win the title again until they are hated

January 17, 2007 Going through old submissions we never had the time to post, here’s food for thought sent in after the defeat against West Ham back in November. Have things have changed after Blackburn?

Edelman and Levy bickering like two fans!

January 16, 2007 Online Ed: Arsenal and Spurs are in semi final tickets conflict – don’t you just love it! Oh, I would actually like to buy a ticket though, so get on with it guys.

Rampant Arsenal - Prem is bang in trouble next season.

January 15, 2007 Submitted before the Blackburn triumph, a good news article for all those who enjoy accentuating the positives.

Urgent Product Recall – Chelsea FC

January 12, 2007 Here’s hoping there are some disappointed glory hunters who bought into the Stamford Bridge revolution!

How I Missed the 6-3 Anfield triumph

January 12, 2007 30 Frustrating Miles from Liverpool, it was a case of Peckforton Castle 0 Arsenal 6 for one unlucky Gooner

Why ‘Stand Up If You Hate Tottenham’ is the Ashburton anthem

January 11, 2007 Most people have heard it enough to last a lifetime, but it’s all to counter the stewards’ attempts to get everyone on their arses.

Inside the old Highbury stadium… one last time

January 10, 2007 In celebration of the surprise victory at Anfield, one anonymous Gooner made a detour on his way home from the pub

Rafa Benitez’ next Liverpool programme column

January 10, 2007 A sneak preview leaked to onlinegooner and probably doing the rounds by email as we type…

So you want a standing section at Arsenal?

January 09, 2007 Then join the campaign for a change in the law with a simple email.

Flag Ban – The Last Post

January 08, 2007 Concluding the flag issue as far as the exclusives section of onlinegooner goes…

Combinations prove 4-4-2 is the way forward for Wenger

January 08, 2007 Hleb, Rosicky and Fabregas interplay and the trio of prospective attacking partnerships examined

Can you believe it? Arsene’s up for the cup!

January 07, 2007 Online Ed: Saturday night ecstacy as Gunners take their shooting boots to Anfield.

All We Are Saying… Is Give Beast A Chance

January 05, 2007 Baptista: Butterfly or Beast? Are Gunners fans being a little too impatient with big Julio?

A Turkish perspective on Arsenal’s flag ban saga

January 05, 2007 In response to A Real Greek Cypriot View On Arsenal Flag Ban, the view from the other side

Wenger must buy now as midfield is too slow

January 04, 2007 Written in the aftermath of the Sheffield United defeat, this was originally a post on the onlinegooner forum

Senderos, son of Cygan?

January 03, 2007 Going through some previous submissions, this one was sent in a couple of weeks before Xmas on the subject of our number 6

A Real Greek Cypriot View On Arsenal Flag Ban

December 31, 2006 The whys and wherefores of the objection to the flag that resulted in the club banning the St. George’s Cross from Ashburton.

I’m An Arsenal Fan, Get Me Out Of Here

December 31, 2006 Online Ed: Was Sheffield United a new nadir this season? It sure felt like it.

Flags out for the lads v Charlton

December 29, 2006 January 2nd has been designated Flag Day by the boys at REDaction

Ban Cypriot flags of all types and be done with it

December 28, 2006 Is this any more ridiculous than the club’s current policy? You decide.

Flag ban petition creator explains

December 28, 2006 The author of an online petition whose wording has not gone down well with all Arsenal fans puts across her side of the story.

Wording of online flag petition is suspect

December 22, 2006 The flag petition was not the creation of onlinegooner, but we are happy to post all views of this particular story. Doesn’t mean we necessarily endorse any of them.